Investment Policy

The primary investment objective is long-term capital growth; to best attain this goal, we implement a Megatrend approach that is based on thematic investments that will have a major impact on the future shape of the global economy. Our convictions regarding the prevailing economic, geopolitical, and financial market conditions are formulated in our Investment Environment and Asset Allocation. 

IMP AG’s investment committee consists of Karin and Stefan Wiederkehr and acts as the supervisory body for the discretionary asset allocation and independent, strategic investment advisory process. The committee aims at steering and overseeing investment activities by setting strategic and tactical MIFID-compliant asset allocation bandwidths and adjusts them dynamically based on market conditions and outlooks. 

To ensure diligent and sustainable investing, the product range is determined on the basis of a comprehensive investment policy and adheres to the laws of Liechtenstein, the provisions of the Association of Independent Asset Managers as well as the MIFID regulations set forth by ESMA.

To ensure the good standing of the company, key positions have been outsourced. IMP AG has chosen to hire independent teams of seasoned professionals to update and help implement the most recent regulations applicable in Liechtenstein. By law, the external audits are to be delegated externally; in our case, this supervisory role is fulfilled by Baker Tilly (Liechtenstein) AG. To further guarantee full prudential transparency, IMP AG has entered delegation contracts with Audita Revisions-Aktiengesellschaft acting as the internal audit company and BDO (Liechtenstein) AG for compliance audits and consulting services. 


Investment Process

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